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Roller Hockey Scandiano e AZEMAD: accordo commerciale con un leader nel mondo delle rotelle

20-08-2021 15:35 - News Generiche
Il Roller Hockey Scandiano comunica di aver raggiunto un accordo commerciale con il marchio prestigioso Azemad.

Azienda portoghese leader nel settore dell'hockey pista, ha stipulato un accordo con il sodalizio rossoblu come sponsor tecnico per la stagione sportiva 2021-22.

Questo accordo è in collaborazione con il rivenditore ufficiale del marchio in Italia, la Roll Skater di Romano d'Ezzelino (VI).

Un altro tassello, del progetto scandianese, che va a valorizzare il lavoro della società e darà la possibilità a tutti gli atleti di conseguire i massimi risultati negli allenamenti e nella pista.

Azemad è stata fondata nel 1966 e nel 2003 ha iniziato a produrre i suoi bastoni per l'hockey su pista nella sua sede di Oliveira di Azemeis. L'impresa portoghese è leader del mercato a livello mondiale, visto che fornisce moltissimi club internazionali.


Initially known as “Arte em Madeira” - Portuguese for "Art of Wood Crafting" - AZEMAD was founded in 1966, standing out for its highly specialized skills in wood as a main raw material and in Home Furniture production.

Early on, the quality of its unique and exclusive pieces, made by highly talented craftsmen, who by challenging themselves into combing paramount traditional techniques with modern and contemporary styles, thus allowed the company to remain as a market reference both nationally and internationally for over five decades.

Proud of its roots and tradition, whilst relying on the experience and skill of its workers, who have been with the company since its beginnings, along with the constant innovative vision of its management - the sons of Founder António dos Santos Martins - make it possible to smoothly adapt to market ever changing needs, keeping in mind the passion and values which the company's always been guided by.

With the ever evolving changes in consumer needs in mind, along with a permanent investment in technological innovation, AZEMAD's revamped business paradigm now relies on three core business areas, all linking back to the "Art of Wood Crafting": Furniture (High End Furniture), Contract (Hospitality) and Sport (Sporting goods).

‍The quality and know-how regarding its raw material along with the constant commitment to innovation and company development, allowed for AZEMAD to open doors to new markets. The exceptional level of expertise featured in its products, easily recognized as High-End, drew the attention of Hospitality project clients. Seizing this opportunity, AZEMAD entered the Hospitality segment more than 20 years ago, drawing advantage of its deep knowledge in Furniture and high level production capacity. Currently, AZEMAD has technological and human resources allowing the development of projects from the ground up anywhere in of the World. The projects´ portfolio features countries like Germany,Angola, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil,Colombia, Spain, USA, France, Netherlands, Italy, India, Luxembourg,Mozambique, United Kingdom, Russia, Switzerland, Tahiti, Turkmenistan, besidesothers.

Realizzazione siti web www.sitoper.it